March 25, 2013

Steps to upload your app to the App Store

Sometimes it is difficult to upload an application to the App Store. Here's the steps to upload your application 

Step 1: Register 

The first step is to register as a developer of Apple here can link our existing Apple ID to a developer account or create a new one. Once you have registered you will have access to your account. 

Step 2: iOS Developer Program 

When we are within our Apple Developer account, go into our account and we will see in the control panel the option Join the Developer Program will give us access to program apps for iOS
During this process we must consider the following: In the Cams, our name, surname or other information shall not contain accents or not receive a call from Apple saying that our mind can not be completed until the registration process eliminate . We will pay the annual Apple developer, there are several plans. We will provide data proving on a process or as an individual, this varies by country.
After making the payment, the registration process will be waiting for Apple to validate the new user. 

Step 3: Certificates
When we have the verification by Apple, we will enter the Apple Developer site and see that our user has new options that did not have before.
The iOS Provisioning Portal area allows us to run in sandbox apps on real devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod..) that have not yet been published. This process is done through software signed with digital certificates, which are of two types:
Development profiles: only valid for development Distribution profiles: for distribution 

So we can start testing, we will enter the iOS Provisioning Portal link and its main menu where you will see the tabs Certificates of Development and Distribution. We will make a certificate request using the Certificate Request button. 

Before continuing, let the website a moment and prepare the certificate development / distribution. In Spotlight seek the Keychain Access program and will press the menu Keychain Access -> Certificate Assistant -> Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority, and then fill it with our data by checking the Saved to disk that will generate an X.509 certificate with our data .
Back to the web browser and go up the new generated file. We will return to the home page of certificates that the state of our certificate of approval may be pending. This request is automatically resolved in a short time (up to a few minutes), and when it is ready we will see a button that will allow us to download the certificate. 

Once downloaded, we double click on the file and imported to our Keychain. 

Step 4: Testing 

In the previous step to create the necessary certificates autenticarnos as iOS developer, but also need to specify the devices that may be in the test environment. To add new in iOS Provisioning Portal -> Devices -> Add devices from where we add each UDID of each device test environment. The UDID is a unique identifier for each device. An easy way to see it is from iTunes, from the Device tab reflects a series of alphanumeric characters. 

Step 5: App ID 

For each app, we create an App ID that identifies this app exclusively. To do this in iOS Provisioning Portal -> Devices -> App ID create the unique identifier for our app. Next, we'll click on New Provisioning profile where we will create a profile for our App ID. Among the options we pay attention to the Distribution Method: App Store or Ad-Hoc. We will return to the main screen and see a button Provisioning discharge profile, it will download and install on your PC. To see that it is properly installed on your computer, and will open Xcode Organizer, you will see that in their profiles Provisioning profile we have already prepared for our App 

Step 6: Test on iPhone / iPad / iPod 

Connect the device we have introduced the UDID and we Organizer window appears. If this is the first time we connect you click the button Use for development. We take a look at the Provisioning profiles, if those profiles are assigned to the current device, if it had any select iOS Team Provisioning Profile. Now go to the main screen and select the first Xcode project icon (blue) and in the submenu at Target. Then as the flange specify:
Summary: devices, identifiers and versions. Info: Bundle identifier as part of our App ID Build Settings: look for the Code Signing Identity, choosing for each profile the development or distribution certificate, according to need. This will allow us to run through the Xcode app on our device. 

Step 7: Upload your application 

It's time to upload your application so we must go into iTunes At this point we have well prepared as follows:
Name Description Icon 512x512px Screenshots: at least one for iPhone and one for iPad in the following formats 320x460 (no status bar), 320x480, 640x920 (retina, no status bar), 640x960 (retina) to 480x300 landscape orientation (no bar state), 480x320, 960x600 (retina, no status bar), or 960 × 640 (retina).
It is important that you review this guide before uploading your application to ensure it meets all requirements of apple and not rejected.
Once in iTunes you have to click on Manage your applications and Add new app which will fill app data, including select the App ID created for the app. After filling in all the data, we click Ready to Upload Binary. 

The rise of the binaries is done through Xcode as iOS Device Scheme and then choose Product Archive. This opens a window where we Organizer click Submit and following up the app, iTunes will connect to seeing that the app is already received and awaiting review.
It only remains to wait until your application is approved and becomes available for download. Now that you have your mobile application we recommend reading our article on how to promote an app

About eMobc: eMobc (@emobcapp) is an open source framework to build native mobile application. Available for Android and iOS platforms HTML5. eMobc makes work easier for developers, allowing them to save time and effort. Developers can also integrate your code with the framework.

March 21, 2013

Steps to upload your app to Google Play

Before uploading your applications to play google must register as a developer, for it you register an account as android developer and make a payment of $ 25. This payment is made only once. This form of payment and registration is possible in countries where Google can install their products.

Applications may be payable upload, free or both. There are certain countries where google play does not support paid apps, if you want to climb a payment app make sure this option is available in your country.

It is important to take into account that the market has Google Play is related to your Google Account. So if you use analyzes your personal account or a new account just for that.

Play Google which allows any developer to upload and publish your application. Perhaps you are new and want to inform you that you need to upload and publish applications really good now I will tell you what is most necessary to publish your app.

To upload your application to play google have to follow these steps:

Access google developer console play.

We joined with our Gmail account. This will be the account that you subscribe in google play.

Terms and conditions

Since log into step 1, we continue to accept the terms of conditions. We have to select the box of terms and conditions to continue to the next step.


We pay a registration fee, payments must be done with through Google Wallet.


You have to fill out a form with our information. Here we put our data in case your app is paid in this pay you money when users buy your application. Also in this same data you enter for users to contact you if the application to fail or have a problem.
These are the most important steps that need to access google play and publish your application.

Requirements that the application must meet to publish it on google play.

Size. APK: the application that you upload to google play should not exceed 50MB. If your application passes this limit can not upload files unless you use apk expansion.

Screenshots: Google play requires you to add two screenshots which show the application and executed. You can add more but optional, also at the same time you add the URL of a video you've created to demonstrate how the application you are offering.

Application Icon: It requires you to add the app icon high contrast resolution.

Language: You must determine the language to which the app is predetermined. English is the default language for google play, but you can choose the one you complete your application.

Name of the application: You can choose the name you want to publish the app. You can add different names if your app is destined to different languages. For example for Spanish language you can put "as I do" this name will see people with Spanish in their smartphone.

Description of application: You can add a description of up to 4,000 characters.

• Distribute Locations: You can choose which countries you want your application to be available, you can add all or select one by one distribution.

This are some requirements that play google asks to publish the application in google play. You can see the full list of requirements here

Assign a sales price per app or content

In case you want to assign a sales price of our app we have a look at the Google documentation for complete information  of payments, exchange, redemption, etc.. Instead we can use to pay for content (books, videos, magazines ...) within the app itself during programming, we can find out more information here.

About eMobc: eMobc (@emobcapp) is an open source framework to build native mobile application. Available for Android and iOS platforms HTML5. eMobc makes work easier for developers, allowing them to save time and effort. Developers can also integrate your code with the framework.

March 15, 2013

How to promote your app

 In different markets (App Store, Google Play, etc.) There are more than 1.5 million different apps for all tastes and all kinds of features, particularly in the App Store is more than one million apps and Google Play has reached the figure of 650,000 apps

With this great competition we have to make our stand app, which is visible to the millions of users looking apps daily and you do not always know all softwares available.

The first step is to develop and essential quality app with content relevant to the user and usable, which in addition to obtaining a discharge, a user get active. To create your app can use the framework eMobc

When creating a mobile application we recommend the following.

  • Solve a problem .
  • Do not limit yourself to a single operating system: Develop your app for all major mobile platforms such as  Google Android and Apple iOS, and also for web.  So improve your options and do your app more practical.
  • Use technology enabler:  such as Cloud Computing. This can not only reduce your development costs (you can use the cloud to test prototypes), but any test or beta will be much easier to perform.
  • Think mobility. Remember that your app can take advantage of the main features of mobile devices, such as camera, GPS, etc..
Before getting this app to market very well have to determine different aspects of it, such as the name, description, tags or search keywords and catches me videos that will attract users to download our app, without forget to provide a contact to receive feedback from users.

Once published application note does not appear in the top positions for download, this is due to the number of download of our app, ie the more downloads we climb higher in the ranking.

How do we get users to download the application?

There are many free tools to promote our app:

Social networks:  We recommend choosing between the various social networks as the user profile defined for the app and open the corresponding profiles.

Youtube Video:  Demonstrate how your creation of a practical and visually appealing with a short video on Youtube. This content has the advantage of being a viral incentive, lovers of the latest technologies disseminate it among their contacts via social networks or  blogs.

Press Releases: There are several blogs that may be of interest to our feed, among other things, of such notes.

Blogs: Today there are a large number of blogs with a large volume of visits, should be published the app, ensuring a large number of direct downloads. We have a list of blogs analyzing mobile applications available, so if anyone wants to contact us.

Blogs by theme: Why not send our app to blogs that reference to the subject treated in our app?

Promotional codes: Send promotional codes from the app (if the app is payable)

If you have older applications:  take it to promote your new application.

QR Codes: Use QR codes (both online and offline) that will link directly to the application download.

Create a web: In order to establish your brand and your latest project, created a website and mobile application where the exclusive content to further expand the Youtube video. Share this information and direct access to the online store web connecting all social networks.

Besides promotion in specialized media such as blogs or social networks, we can promote our app from the smartphone and this is where we get the bulk. How? By Viralization campaign, ie advertising in other apps that already have users and may be potential users of our app.

There are two main methods of performing these campaigns: promoting discovery in apps, such as Free App, App of the Day or the like, to get in one or two days to promote a large number of downloads, or campaign CPD / I (cost by download or installation). The advantage of the latter is that the owner of the app choose how much you want to invest and thus obtains the contracted number of downloads, plus natural discharges that occur by positioning the app in the store.

We recommend hanging the app in the markets on Thursday night. It is the moment considered most suitable response to users seeking the latest apps.

Our app is already positioned and we are gradually getting more and more downloads and thus new users, then we just keep this app, making regular updates to meet the demands of users and trying to provide more and better content to our app to make it so in a case study, and conducting advertising campaigns and strategic moments to keep the volume of downloads.

About eMobc: eMobc (@emobcapp) is an open source framework to build native mobile application. Available for Android and iOS platforms HTML5. eMobc makes work easier for developers, allowing them to save time and effort. Developers can also integrate your code with the framework.

March 7, 2013

Mobile App Framework, eMobc Release 0.1, Introduces Multiplatform Support

A mobile app framework for developers, eMobc release 0.1 is now available, as of November 2012, for developers to have their designs or code integrated with the framework.

February 10, 2013 – The eMobc release 0.1 open source platform is now available and developers and designers of mobile apps can contact the company if they want their designs or code to be integrated in it. In addition, the company will work on the integration if customers whish to contribute to an open source project.

An innovative mobile app framework, eMobc release 0.1 supports the creation of multiplatform native apps easily and effectively. Apps are compatible with Android, iOS, and HTML5, while the open source software supports the creation of landing pages using XML with the proprietary embML specification.

Included in the software is support for 19 types of screens, with text, forms, maps, calendars, and more, for building applications. Various themes and styles are also supported so the appearance of each page can be customized. Navigation on pages created with eMobc can be configured with top, bottom, and sidebar menus. The software also allows for page rotation, text to speech, and social network sharing.

In addition, various formats support smartphones and tablets. Any components developed with the platform can be done so in the desired language. Numerous possibilities are provided for screens, including splash screens, a cover for the application with buttons, photo galleries, PDF viewing, lists, videos, and geolocation maps. Also, search, form, image with text, zoom, quiz, and cavas functions can be added.

The platform can be downloaded at where users can register on the job board. In fact, eMobc release 0.1 is the first platform that enables users to subscribe to a job board, while it also lets developers contribute their code to the open source format. It also makes it easy to produce native applications using HTML5 and based on XML-defined screens.

In addition, the framework is available in the USA and is compatible with web or external services, as it is capable of online and offline operation. To download the new eMobc platform, subscribe to the job board, and take advantage of the framework’s new features and capabilities, visit

Customers can contact the company if they intend to work on a new poject by filling in the form at

About eMobc

Located in Madrid, Spain, eMobc is a startup that works with developers all over the world on the eMobc platform. The eMobc platform is an open source framework for creating apps, mobile wepages, and landing pages with XML, compatible with platforms such as Android, iOS, and HTML5. In addition, the eMobc Cloud Service will soon be available to end users and developers.

March 6, 2013

Tips for programming in a more effective

Maybe you're a novice programmer who is starting to develop in any programming language and you are starting or strengthening comprising all the new concepts you're going to find. Learning a programming language is something that requires a relatively high number of hours, so the higher the quality of the time we devote the better the results.

So then we give a few tips that will help you in this task.


The study allows us to perfect ourselves, the more we study more opportunities we will have better programming, today thanks to the internet there are plenty of tutorials and manuals.

Search scripts already developed

There are many scripts already developed, study them and see how they work, it is useless to copy and paste.

Participate in forums and communities

It is interesting to interact with others who are in our same page, often help us and we can help again. Roughly speaking these communities are very helpful, and mutual aid is so abundant, a few lines of code can be useful for many people, hence it can be improved among all.

Discuss whatever is necessary

Discuss the important things can be very useful and save time when we have to tweak the code months later.

Talk to other programmers

It is important to contact other programmers, as you will learn, get ideas and even answer your questions. It is always better to solve a problem with the most support.

Please have your computer

 Another important point is the team reviews it works properly and that you have all the tools necessary to program.

Use open source tools

Today there are many open source tools like eMobc Framework that will help you program more efficiently saving time and effort and without spending money.

Organize your own script library

When programming is important to be organized and scripts when they consult or modify will take less time, sometimes due to disorder is easier to rewrite that look.

On the other hand, always try to follow these steps in everything programes: These simple steps will help you better plan.

Analysis: Analyzes and have a clear goal you want to reach. Solve your doubts, ask questions consultations etc, is very important to know the objectives to be achieved.

Design: Once defined objectives have to find a logic to solve. Prepare all necessary inform yourself test you think libraries need, inform or libraries of functions you will need, so that when you do not lose the programming time in learning.

Coding: Once obtained and documented logic comes to coding, coding will be easier if you followed the previous two stages.

Testing: Perform tests of each module separately, do not expect to finish the project. This stage is the most important and complete a project is useless without achieving the desired results.

About eMobc: eMobc (@emobcapp) is an open source framework to build native mobile application. Available for Android and iOS platforms HTML5. eMobc makes work easier for developers, allowing them to save time and effort. Developers can also integrate your code with the framework.

February 27, 2013

3 days in Barcelona in the Mobile World Congress 2013

There have been very tired days in the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona where more than 50 thousand of visitors have been discovering the latest news about mobile.

In eMobc we were part of Wireless Research initiative of Qualcomm where as a startup we participated in the entrepreneur program to develop an application using the latest Qualcomm technologies, Vuforia for augmented reality and Alljoyn for peer to peer communication and we hope we can integrate part of this technologies in emobc develop branch.

Geocongress is an application developed using Android 4.0 with fragments where you can make:

- Map recognition: Recognizes Mobile world congress target and you can see where are located the brands in a map, like Qualcomm and Telefonica. Visitors and exhibitors can write comments so you can know the latest news in a wall so you can move in the fair.

- Stand recognition: Also you can go to the stands and detect a logo and know all the news around that brand and write comments around the stand.

- Chat: We have created a room using Alljoyn so users can join the channel and communicate directly with the other users.

We started the project in the beginning of January and in just one month we integrated Vuforia and Alljoyn. It was very interesting to work with augmented reality because you need to work in both environments (Java in Android for general programming and OpenGL / C++ in another thread with the augmented reality logic). Vuforia uses the NDK to integrate in Android the QCAR library for augmented reality. The hardest part is talking with Java and OpenGL in C++ in different threads and work with the QCAR lifecycle because using fragments we have everything in memory and you have to release correctly every fragment (with activities is easier this part ;-))

About the news in the fair, it was very awesome new Qualcomm 800 chipsets (great performance!), Atheros 802.11AC implementation (incredible fast!), Gimbal (geofencing), Ubuntu Mobile, Firefox OS (the big think in the congress with the big promotion of mozilla guys), ...

Very recommended so we see the next year in the Mobile World Congress. We hope to see a little more about apps and software (for us the missing part).

If you need to know more about Wireless Reach and how we have used eMobc with Qualcomm technologies, we will very happy to assist you. Welcome emobbers!

February 26, 2013

Developers need programming with native mobile frameworks

Nowadays developers need to design mobile applications. There are a lot of mobile platforms, Android, IOS and new ones like the future Ubuntu Mobile or Firefox OS, so it's pretty hard to build native mobile applications.

There is a simple solution like HTML5 but if you want to warranty the user experience you need to provide a native application per platform or either implement a version for each platform in HTML5.
That is the reason because we have implemented a framework using XML. Sometimes you have to provide an abstraction like HTML but you need an implementation for each platform. For example, using Navigation Bar in IOS or Action Bar in Android.

Providing a high language or abstraction lets to use the advantages of each operating system and extend per platform faster if you have to develop a mobile application. So here is how we suggest a possible implementation like in eMobc:

Step 1: Provide a XML to represent every element / screen (for example menus, options like rotation, themes, appearance, navigation and of course the content)
Step 2: Implement a Model for each XML so you can later load the XML in the object model to store the information.
Step 3: Use a main controller and a specific controller to implement every feature or screen.
Step 4: Use a view specific in every device (Example XIB in IOS and XML layouts in Android)

If you think this approach can be useful, you can implemnt using these steps or start contributing eMobc framework or read more about embML.

Written by Alejandro Sánchez Acosta - Managing Director eMobc

About eMobc. eMobc framework is a mobile application framework to develop apps in IOS, Android and HTML using XML. If you want to donate your code of other projects to be integrated in the project or you want to ask for a project please contact us here.

February 20, 2013

How Augmented Reality can help entrepreneurs develop mobile apps?

Technologies like augmented reality can help improve mobile applications so new products or startups can offer a new experience. 

Here we have an interview where Alejandro Sánchez, CEO of eMobc explains in the end of the video how we have used Vuforia and Alljoyn with eMobc providing a new experience to the user with Geocongress application.

Augmented reality lets match image targets like logos in the sample and provide aditional information or actions, for example show comments around the brand or create a new comment, providing a comment system around the brands. Also its possible to georeference places providing in an image target where are located.

Alljoyn also lets provide peer to peer technologies so users can communicate. Its possible to create channels where you can send messages, for example a sample room for your event.

See more about Qualcomm and eMobc in the following video:


February 12, 2013

Developers Need Frameworks And Tools To Develop Mobile Applications

Programmers and developers who wish to create mobile applications need a plethora of resources and tools to do so. The mobile industry has expanded phenomenally and there are smart phones and tablets based on various operating systems. What anyone would need to make mobile applications is a developer framework.

A developer framework or a mobile application framework as it is also referred to, offers all the resources and tools that any programmer or developer would need to conceptualize, design and create the envisaged mobile applications.

To understand the significance of a state of the art mobile application framework, one has to look at the advantages that are in offing from a developer framework.
  • A mobile application framework offers a base of all major operating systems like iOS, Android, Windows and HTML5 among others to get started with the conceptualization of the mobile applications. Without a foundation offered by a developer framework, it is almost impractical to expect a programmer or developer to get started. Having the foundations of open source operating systems or mobile interfaces, one simply has to work on the idea of the app and not the access to the system.
  • Mobile applications can be easily created if one gets a mobile application framework offering various screens to build the application. To build the app, one needs a server which can be offered by a mobile application framework. It is common for a developer framework to have numerous templates for reference. Developers can refer to them and draw inspiration, customize them or have a completely new stream of imagination to create an unprecedented app design. 
  • A mobile application framework helps developers to make mobile applications for specific platforms like the Android or iOS but the more intriguing attribute is that a developer framework can also help with launching the apps across various platforms like smart phone and tablet. 
  • Making and launching mobile applications are only half of the entire venture. Distributing the apps and having advertisements to generate revenue is as integral to making the venture a success as the creation of the mobile applications. A mobile application framework would already have integrated ad networks and various interlinked interfaces that can help one to create and push ads which can completely change the financial dynamics of the venture. 
In a nutshell, developers and programmers can actually transform their idea into reality with the help of a mobile application framework.